Friday, October 12, 2007

Herbal Secrets

My mom has been giving us different teas to take care of many different ails.

I recently saw her give a tea to my aunt, for her swollen eye. I don't know if it was pink eye or "aire", as us mexicans call it. Either way, I went on to search the english name of this plant and found some very interesting facts. "Ruda" or "Garden Rue" has been used for centuries.

It is NOT to be ingested.....please remember DO NOT INGEST! It may cause ingestion problems. If you are pregnant, just stay away from the plant all together. It is believed that the oils from the plant are abortive. Wow, this is something that I bet my mom doesn't know.

Okay, so what do we use it for then. Well, like I said, it is good for hemorrhoids, which means that you must make a tea of it. You can apply it with a cotton on anything that is swollen. It says that it is good for insect bites too.

The only problem with this rememdy is that it is not readily available for everybody. My parents have it here in their yard and they are very happy to give you some to replant or just to use. But, if you are further away, you might have to ask your relatives or friends that have gardens to see if they have the plant.