Thursday, September 20, 2007

Recipes are hard!!

Don't get me wrong! Recipes are wonderful to follow, but very difficult to put together. How do you write down a recipe when you just add the amount of stuff that looks right. It is a pain in the neck to measure stuff and then when I do measure it, it looks like it is too much or too little. Ok, so I will put recipes on here, but give me time as I have to make sure they are correct.

As my brother plainly put it to his wife, "What are you going to do when you lose the little cup that my mom gave you to measure the rice with?" Exactly my point! We don't use measuring cups, we use the recycled plastic bin from our cream cheese to measure our rice in. And, taking the rice that fits in that cup and actually putting in to a measuring cup to see exactly how much we use is..well, too much work!

But, I have taken on the challenge, (I should have thought this through, when I started it), but because I don't want anyone to die from lack of real tamales or pozole, I will rock on!!!

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